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» 2011 » June » 06 Brian Farrey Books

The Final Push

This is it!  At 11:59 pm this evening, I’ll be closing off entries for the Contest.  You have until then to tweet your heart out for a chance to win fabulous prizes such as a manuscript critique or signed first edition books from today’s hottest YA authors.

At some time on Tuesday, I’ll fire up Ye Olde Random Number Generator (seen below) and randomly select six winners from all the entries.  I’ll post the names/Twitter IDs of the winners on Wednesday (and contact them via DM) and then the fun begins! (In other words, everyone who followed me solely to win swiftly unfollows me and I’m left friendless and alone once more…. *sniff*….)

Ye Olde Random Number Generator (steam powered)

Coming later this week… Some of you may recall I was involved in a Bet.  Some of you may recall I won said Bet.  Some of you recall that I announced there would be glitter and prizes for the stories generated by the Bet.  Well, the inaugural Brian Awards will be announced this week, complete with star studded gala.  Stop back to see who’s wearing what, who was nominated, and who wins!


Published in: on June 6, 2011 at 7:28 am  Comments (1)