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» 2013 » October » 22 Brian Farrey Books

Y’all ready for this?

Hello? Anyone here? Echo….echo….echo….

The blog was looking a little lonely. Thought I’d give it something to do. Good thing I’ve got a new book out.

Yes! That’s right. Starting today, in bookstores across the nation, you too can own a copy of THE SHADOWHAND COVENANT, the sequel to last year’s THE VENGEKEEP PROPHECIES. Booklist calls the book “arch and vivid, shadowhandcreating by turns giggles, groans, and elevated heartbeats.” I’ll take it!

Jaxter and his family of thieves have returned with their own special brand of mayhem. But whereas I think of VENGEKEEP PROPHECIES as a quest book, I think of SHADOWHAND COVENANT as a mystery.

We’re introduced to the Shadowhands, a covert cadre of the most elite thieves in all the Five Provinces. They operate on the highest level of secrecy, taking common jobs to hide their true vocation. Anyone could be a Shadowhand: the baker, your neighbor…even members of your own family.

Jaxter is thrown into the investigation when he learns that the Shadowhands have begun vanishing one…by…one. Who is responsible for the disappearances? Why have the magic-wielding Palatinate gone into hiding? And how is it all connected to the band of magic-hating nomads currently being sought by the High Laird? For more info, check out the Middle Grade page.

Also out today: the paperback version of VENGEKEEP PROPHECIES. Hardcovers not your speed? We gotcha covered. The paperback of VENGEKEEP has been precisely engineered to fit snugly in your hands as you curl up on the sofa to read. What more could you want?

And be sure to check out in the coming weeks for a contest to win signed books, pages of new, original content including lost chapters, and a look at the Grimjinx family code.

Finally, set your calendars: the last book in the trilogy, THE GRIMJINX REBELLION, will be available next year. If VENGEKEEP is a quest book and SHADOWHAND is a mystery, REBELLION is best described as all out action-adventure. I warn you now so you can fully prepare. You’re welcome.



Gadzooks! I completely forgot to mention all the upcoming events. Please come to one, if you live anywhere near the event. Smiling faces appreciated:

Book Launch Party

The Red Balloon Bookshop

Sunday, Oct. 27 at 2:00 pm

Prizes and Cake


Reading with Anne Ursu

Bookcase of Wayzata

Saturday, November 9th at 2:00 pm


Author Panel with Kelly Barnhill and Wendy Delsol

Oskaloosa Public Library

Tuesday, November 12th at 6:30 pm


Middle Grade Author Panel

Appearing with Anne Ursu, Kurtis Scaletta, Jacqueline West, and Lisa Bullard

Addendum Books

Saturday, November 16th at 1:00 pm



Published in: on October 22, 2013 at 12:51 pm  Comments Off on Y’all ready for this?