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» 2015 » September Brian Farrey Books

Vengeance shall be mine

So, I lost the Bet.paintbrush-315639_640

I mean, there were two other losers too. But I lost the biggest. This is the second time I came in last. Which infuriates me because it means I can’t give an Evil Title to someone else. But I’m not bitter. Just, you know, vengeful. Next year will be my year. This I swear. Woe to ye who gets my Evil Title next year.

My title was given to me by the esteemed Catherine Ryan Hyde. That title was “Seize the Night.” (Because, see, the stupid losing horse I chose was Carpe Diem.  Ha, ha, Catherine’s funny. True story: I had narrowed it down to two horses. Carpe Diem and American Pharaoh. I kid you not. That was my back-up horse. The one who, you know, went on to win the Triple Crown. But I’m not bitter.)  Here is my short story.

This post will be updated as the others post their stories as well.

Oh, and all hail Kimberly Pauley, this year’s winner. Kimberly didn’t have to write a story. She knew better than to pick Carpe Diem. Actually,  the first three horses she’d chosen all scrubbed and she made a last minute choice just minutes before the race started. And she won.

But I’m not bitter.

Published in: on September 28, 2015 at 9:00 am  Comments Off on Vengeance shall be mine